For example: we had to choose a particular value for fields which had a drop down there was no exception values for that fields, like Preferred course, qualification…etc…
There were some questions which were running in my mind while doing this black box testing…
1. “Name“ whose name are you asking for? My uncle’s, my dad’s or some one else…
2. “Qualification” whose qualification are you asking for? My uncle’s, my dad’s or some one else…
3. “Date of birth” whose date of birth are you asking for? My uncle’s, my dad’s or some one else… why the year field has its years starting from 1975, a person born in 1974 cannot ask for an advice or if he/she is born earlier to 1975 then that person is not eligible for any other courses is it?
4. “Year of completion” why the year field has its years starting from 1995, a person completed his Bsc. in 1994 cannot ask for an advice or if he/she has completed Bsc. earlier to 1995 then that person is not eligible for any other courses is it?
5. There are two spell mistakes according to me,
Field --> how do you know about us --> Referred by friend
Field --> how do you know about us --> Email from us?
Using testers desk data I have found up some error in register page and writing down the whole steps wouldn’t be a good idea so what I did is took some screen shot in which different data were given and the form was accepted. The downloaded CSV file from testers desk, if saved as an excel file it can also be used for automated testing through QTP.
According to me the validation of all fields where not defined properly except the mobile field. The screen shots would give a clear idea.
--> A very weird error when I press 'Back' of the browser after submitting my registration page.
--> As you can see in screen shot any value is accept by 'Name', 'Experience' and 'Your city' fields
--> As we can see the 'Name' field also accept numerical values.
Experience,Email and yourcity field does accept any special values.
As I said, there is a small spell mistake for the word 'referred'.
--> Please check the name, experience, email and your city fields...
As I said, there is a small spell mistake for the word 'email from us'.
--> Please check the name, experience and your city field, I was able to leave this fields empty.
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